I was planning on building a garden shed in front of the picket fence .I started a base by added gravel,you can see it in front of the fence. But I have changed my mine and now want it more in the middle of the garden,so I have to move the gravel base.Oh well, a women can change her mind .
This is the first area I finished. I plan on using this area for mostly annuals next summer ,
so I have lots of color in August.
This view is looking back toward the gardens.The munch I am using for the path is from a huge bass tree that blew down this summer .A county crew had to remove the tree from the road in front of our house.They came the next day with a huge chipper .They left the piles of chipped wood, so I have been using it . I love free stuff!
I only use it on the paths ,tho, I don't like to use wood munch in my garden. My dad thought me to use grass clippings. Works really well for me , and of course, it's free.
The tree right after the storm.
This picture shows the front yard after the storm,you can see why I want to raise the new beds .
We also removed the dead birch tree.
The country crew cut the tree up then pushed it off the road.
This picture was taken in July before the birch was removed and before I put up the picket fence. I found the fence while I was at a garage sale.It was cut into pieces about 6 feet long.I asked if it was for sale and was told they were hauling it to the dumps. Needless to say, I hauled it all home.
I have also use pieces of the fence in my shade garden. I will same those pictures for another time.
Have to rest up now ,more shoveling after work tomorrow.Hee Hee
God Bless, Lynda