Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Planning for next August

Lately , I have been planning on what to add to my gardens in the spring. I know it's kind of early seeing we are till in the midst of summer, but it's next August I'm thinking about . There isn't much color in  my garden now, and most of the perennials are finished or on their leg. I want more color next year cause my son and his finance are  getting married August 20th,2011. They are not having the ceremony here, but I will be having the rehearsal dinner. So for that reason  I WANT MORE COLOR .

One of the annuals doing great now is  the New Guinea impatience.I want to get several more next summer in different colors.

I want to sow Zinnia seeds in the garden.The last couple of years I  started seeds in the house and they hit there peak too early. Or maybe it's just because this summer was hotter than usual. The cleome and cosmos are still looking good so , I know I can can count on them for color. If not color , I love the green of the plants,especially the cosmos.
If anyone has suggestions of late summer blooming perennials that would work in zone 4 or 5b, that would be great.

Here are more random shots from my gardens.
View from the lower pond.

This  is a Turtle Vine plant I bought at Kmart , and I just love it.
Seeing it's a house plant , I am going to try and keep it over the winter in the house.

Well, think I will tour other gardens for a while and jot down ideas.  : )

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I saw your comment over on Larry's Conrad Art Glass & Garden blog and just had to pop in and say hi! I live in Wisconsin and love to chat with gardeners who have the same growing conditions as we do.

    I love your garden! I could see the ceremony being held there or at the very least, the wedding photography! We have three weddings coming in October (groan---what will be blooming then??) so I know what you're going through. I rely heavily on my annuals to carry through until frost. I just wish I had enough blankets to cover the entire garden!

    Your New Guinea impatiens looks fantastic, now there's a plant I have never had luck with, somehow or other I manage to send them to the great compost heap in the sky way too soon.

    We've been absurdly wet here this year, which is a first for a long time, and I'm happy to say the Zahara and Profusion zinnias, Inca marigolds and Victoria salvias are putting on a glorious show right now despite the massive amount of rain we've had. Also, the Bubblegum pink petunias and of course, rudbeckias are lighting up the yard, right now, too.

    Good luck with your planning for the big day, only a year away! I'm going to follow your blog from now on. Karen
