Sunday, August 28, 2011
Second blooming
This picture was taken when they were 1/2 their height. They were just amazing , unfortunately I didn’t get a picture at their full height.The yellow plant had over 8 blooms. Now they are getting ready to bloom for the third time. I really tried hard this year to remember to water daily , some days twice. I watered from the bottom and they seemed to like that better.
I am going to show you what I think is the most amazing self seeding annual in my next post!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day
The peonies are really nice this year ,loads of blooms.
The poppies are also blooming …
My cat mint low walker always does well, I just keep dividing it, and now I have it all over the garden where ever I need a place filled . I started with one small plant from Shopko years ago. Of course I also have to pull out a lot cause it really seeds itself profusely.
More random pics of blooms today ….
I bought this blue bottle at a garage sale for a $1.00. A hole was drilled in the side for a string of lights. I removed the lights and connected a water pump . Love it !!
I am linking to May Dream Gardens for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day, thanks Carol for hosting. Hope everyone is enjoying their gardens as must I enjoy mine. God Bless.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
A mistake made right again…….
Many years ago when I was a lot younger I made a big mistake. My grandmother gave me a small round table . I thought it was ok , but wasn’t too impressed. I was young and foolish!
I thought it would look much better painted. I was at a stage when I was painting , then antiquing everything with black. Like the current trend but not with a natural time worn look.
I started by painting the table orange and my plan was to antique with black. Well that was in the 70s and I never did finish it. I used it as work table in my craft room , spilling paint and what not on the top. For the last 30 years or so, it had been in the attic.
I often thought about it but didn’t have the heart to look at it, because the truth hit me , WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!!
I finally got up enough courage this winter to take it out of the attic and restore it. I didn’t take a picture of it before I started because I was too embarrassed to show anyone what I had done to it. I stripped the orange paint off and sanded the top. My husband spray painted the top with clear urethane. There was a lot of sanding between coats , but now the top is well protected.
Here it is …………….
I had covered this beautiful inlaid with paint!!!!!!!!!!!
I searched I web for a table like it and found one almost the same , but with white legs. It didn’t have white legs originally but I like it better this way .I’m sure grandma wouldn’t mind,seeing the top is restored.
Here’s another table I painted at the same time.
I will be distressing it more before I wax it.
The table and legs after they were striped. Yup, I painted this table in the 70s also.
Love the claw feet.
I think my grandmother would be proud the I restored her beautiful table. What do you think?
I am linking up with Kathleen at Faded Charm for White Wednesday. and Miss Mustand Seed for Furniture Feature Friday.
Monday, May 23, 2011
It’s finally spring
I am in the process of making new beds.I planted tulips in the fall,
and am so pleased to see how well they have done.
The above tulips are from value pack of mixed blubs.
Lucky Strike (M&G Holland) there were 14 blubs in the package
and wonder of wonders, there are 14 blooms.
Negrita ( M& G Holland)
Purissima (M&G Holland)
As you can see, it time for me to weed the grass out of the new beds!
I am lovin’ it, even weeding is fun this year , just being in garden .
It was such a long winter.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Fresh Snow
I might not have any blooms but I think the Winter Garden is still beautiful.
I visited a beautiful blog this morning from Darla at More Family and Flowers. It really gave me a case of spring fever, way to early for that, in this next of the woods… But it did inspire me to take some pictures of my garden this morning.
4 inches of the soft fluffy snow fell over night. At least it’s easy to shovel , light as a feather.
Guess the birds won’t be drinking out of this bird bath any time soon.
or this one !!!
They might take shelter in here .
You can see how soft this snow is , you can just blow it away. That’s because it was only 9 degrees this morning when I was taking these pics. My fingers were freezing even with gloves . Guess it’s an age thing, circulation slows down to the extremities when you get older ……….
Well,I guess the kids are hungry ,they think whenever I’m out side , it’s to feed them .
They certainly don’t look like they need to eat. Check out those fat bellies.
That’s little Alice behind the snowman. My granddaughter named her after a character in “ Twilight”. Her brother is Emmet. That’s Nat behind her. We also have Starbright, Hunter, Daisy, Zoey and Willy. The snowman is on a timer so we have light when we need to feed the goats in the dark.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
God Bless,
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Crocheted Dress
I should have staged the picture better but I wanted to show the detail.
As you can see, the skirt is huge. I hope to have a picture soon to post with me wearing the dress. The old pictures are slides and my brother is in the process of converting them to a computer disc.
The bodice is very delicate. My mom made a blue taffeta slip to wear underneath.
The back as the original pearls buttons. Notice the bottom button was replaced at some time . I suppose I could find a matching button but I kind like it the way it is,
I thought others would appreciate the delicate work my mom did on this dress. I also have many doilies she has crocheted over the years. She once told me I should take the bodice off the dress and use the skirt as a doily. No way would I ever destroy this beautiful dress that way. Mom doesn’t do much crocheting any longer but she hasn’t stopped with other needle work. Now she is embroidering flour sack towels . When ever she needs a gift she has “Days of Week” sets in abundance.
Thanks Kathleen for allowing me to share this very special dress.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Finally…I know I haven’t posted anything for quite some time,close to 4 months to be exact. I just wasn’t feeling very comfortable with blogging. So… I have been a blogging spy or whatever you want to call it, since my last blog. Reading everyone’s blogs, trying to learn want I can, Of course along the way I have seen some fantastic blogs. Loving all pictures of gardens and landscaping.I have also found a another love and that’s decorating the shabby antique way. I just surf and surf for hours from one blog to the next . I do have a new year resolution. That’s to leave comments, especially when I am really inspired, and that happens a lot.
I hope to link to some different blogs soon, of course I have to get busy and take some pictures. lol When I see all the great pictures taken with fabulous cameras, I feel quite inadequate.So I tell myself to just get over it!!
Enough talkin’ or I guess it should be enough typing. I’ll leave you today with few pics of my grandkids. : )
Chase taking a nap ………….
Taya , my soon to be Granddaughter. : )
Taya, with my son Michael and my soon to be daughter Torie. You can see just a bit of their yard at the home they bought this fall. It has a fountain, creek and pond. I am sooo jealous.
Taya, Chase and Lexi on the four wheeler grandpa bought for Chase.
Lexi on her first birthday last July.
I down loaded and used Windows live writer to write this post .. Seems to be a lot easier to use.
Till next time,