Monday, May 23, 2011

It’s finally spring

I am in the process of making new beds.I planted tulips in the fall, 
and am so pleased to see  how well they have done. 
The above tulips are from value pack of mixed blubs.

Lucky Strike (M&G Holland)  there were 14 blubs in the package 
and  wonder of wonders, there are 14 blooms.


Negrita  ( M& G Holland)

Purissima (M&G Holland)
As you can see, it time for me to weed the grass out of the new beds!
I am lovin’ it, even weeding is fun this year , just being in garden . 
It was such a long winter.

1 comment:

  1. did your purissima m & g holland tulips come back the next year? if so, what did you do to help if anything? garden looks great!
