Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day

Almost forgot what day it was, I was checking on some blogs this noon and  noticed the date. I ran out to take some quick shots.  The temp is 67 and it just started to rain. Our spring has been really slow in coming this year . The bad thing about that is, the flowers bloom later but the good thing is, the blooms last longer .   My first peony  is opening today……….

The peonies are really nice this year ,loads of blooms.

The poppies are also blooming …

My cat mint low walker always does well, I just keep dividing it, and now  I have it all over the garden where ever I need  a  place filled .  I started with one small plant from Shopko years ago. Of course I also have to pull out a lot cause it really seeds itself profusely.


More random pics of  blooms today ….


I bought this blue bottle at a garage sale for a $1.00. A hole was drilled in the side for a string of lights. I removed the lights and connected a water pump . Love it !!


I am linking  to May Dream Gardens for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day,  thanks Carol for hosting. Hope everyone is enjoying their gardens as must I enjoy mine. God Bless.


  1. Hello Lyn, I was just drooling over your older post with the tables...I just adore them, and my mother actually has one with the glass ball feet, too.

    Your little bottle fountain is so cute, what a great idea! All your flowers are looking so fresh and pretty; thank goodness Spring finally did arrive. I was having my doubts here, too.

  2. Looks like my northern neighbors are at about the same place I am regarding bloom times... love the bottle idea... your plants and gardens look great! Larry

  3. I'm always so happy to see other gardeners who love's such a great, carefree plant...and looks so great with other plants!
